Kayla Hirano

46-330 IkiIki St.

Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 USA



Software Engineering , Electrical Engineering , Video Game Design , Mobile App Development


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, C#, Javascript, Python, SQL

Toolsets/OS: Windows, Ubuntu, Git/GitHub


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Engineering (expected Spring, 2023)

2019 - Present


Software Engineering Intern, Microsoft

Created the backend API for a mobile app using C# and .NET 6.0 Framework.

  • Gained experience in API development and working with Azure resources
  • Collaborated with other interns and FTEs.

2022 - 2022

Engineering Intern, Spectrum Photonics

Developed a GPS sensor as part of current company project.

  • Worked with Python, ZeroMQ, and SQL.
  • Gained experience soldering and reading data from Raspberry Pi.

2021 - 2022

Web Developer, University of Hawaii at Manoa

On the development team of the Manoa Now mobile app.

  • Developed with JavaScript and React Native.
  • Recently updated the in-app map, enabling users to view important locations on campus.

2020 - 2022


University of Hawaii Regents Scholarship, University of Hawaii

The highest level merit scholarship awarded to approximately 20 students per matriculating class.

2019 - Present

UH Manoa College of Engineering Dean's List, University of Hawaii

2019 - Present


Available upon request