Hello World!

30 Aug 2022

Software Engineering has always been a passive interest of mine since high school. However, I didn’t think of this interest as a viable career option until only recently.

The Journey Begins

As is the case for most people staring out in coding, my first program consisted of Hello World. I was taking a beginner class in Python at the time, and was mainly interested in learning more about video game development. But as I saw the expected “Hello World!” output print to the console, I was filled with a sense of accomplishment. Even though it was a single line of code, that feeling of, “Wow, I did that!” was still strong.

That feeling still sticks with me today, even as I gain more experience through college courses and internships. As the programs grow larger and more complicated, this inevitably comes with long hours of frustration and confusion. However, that feeling of accomplishment that comes with creating a working product makes all the long hours worth it.

Moving Forward

I have recently completed a summer internship with Microsoft as a Software Engineering Intern, and it was such a memorable experience. I was able to learn a lot about API and backend development, and the team members I worked with just encouraged me to keep improving. I also gained some experience in mobile app development from my job as a Web Developer. These are my current interests as I move into the future, but I also want to focus back on video game development. I’m hoping that I can work on personal projects in my free time and maybe even participate in a Game Jam.

In addition to these goals, I also want to learn more about how to write the most efficient code. Creating a solution to a problem is one challenge, but improving that solution to make it more efficient or easier to understand is another challenge altogether. This semester, I’m starting a Software Engineering class. I’m hoping that what I learn throughout the course will assist me in my future goals. I’m excited to keep coding!